Family database Juling
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There are 13 individuals with the location Egeln in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
BUCHHEISTER, Johann Heinrich * about 1800 in , + in
     oo 14.06.1835 in Egeln JÜLING, Wilhelmine Caroline Magdalene * 20.12.1802 in Groß Germersleben, + in
JULING, Anna Regine * about 1805 in , + in
     oo in 1826 in Egeln MESSE, Johann Friedrich Peter * about 1800 in , + in
JÜLING, Agnes Helene Dorothea * 05.12.1874 in Egeln, + in
JÜLING, Christine Magdalena * about 1794 in , + in
     oo 05.08.1833 in Egeln VOGELSANG, Berbartus Arendt Franz * about 1790 in , + in
JÜLING, Friedrich Heinrich Eduard * about 1852 in , + 29.08.1859 in Egeln
JÜLING, Gottlieb Franz * 16.01.1841 in Egeln, + in
     oo 28.04.1874 in Egeln OLSE, Marie Dorothee Friederike * about 1845 in , + in
JÜLING, Johann Heinrich Christoph Christian * about 1811 in , + 03.09.1859 in Egeln
     oo 10.11.1839 in Egeln PITONIUS, Dorothee Wilhelmine * about 1816 in , + 04.05.1846 in Egeln
JÜLING, Johann Heinrich Christoph Christian * about 1811 in , + 03.09.1859 in Egeln
     oo 17.01.1847 in Egeln SCHÄFER, Johanne Friederike Dorothee * about 1815 in , + in
JÜLING, Wilhelmine Caroline Magdalene * 20.12.1802 in Groß Germersleben, + in
     oo 14.06.1835 in Egeln BUCHHEISTER, Johann Heinrich * about 1800 in , + in
JÜLING, * 02.07.1845 in Egeln, + 02.07.1845 in Egeln
MARTH, Auguste Magdalene Mathilde * about 1844 in , + 15.11.1873 in Egeln
MESSE, Johann Friedrich Peter * about 1800 in , + in
     oo in 1826 in Egeln JULING, Anna Regine * about 1805 in , + in
OLSE, Marie Dorothee Friederike * about 1845 in , + in
     oo 28.04.1874 in Egeln JÜLING, Gottlieb Franz * 16.01.1841 in Egeln, + in
PITONIUS, Dorothee Wilhelmine * about 1816 in , + 04.05.1846 in Egeln
     oo 10.11.1839 in Egeln JÜLING, Johann Heinrich Christoph Christian * about 1811 in , + 03.09.1859 in Egeln
SCHÄFER, Johanne Friederike Dorothee * about 1815 in , + in
     oo 17.01.1847 in Egeln JÜLING, Johann Heinrich Christoph Christian * about 1811 in , + 03.09.1859 in Egeln
VOGELSANG, Berbartus Arendt Franz * about 1790 in , + in
     oo 05.08.1833 in Egeln JÜLING, Christine Magdalena * about 1794 in , + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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